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Frequently asked questions
What sets Axiom apart from other gaming communities?Axiom is an organized, constructive, and goal-driven gaming community. We are ambitious, set high standards and goals in every game we play, and strive to synergize our hardcore ambitions with a casual-friendly atmosphere. It is our belief that everyone has value in the greater community. For the casual player, that means accessibility to events, ways to contribute to the greater goal of the guild, and time spent enjoying the game with good people at a similar pace; for the hardcore we offer adequate structure, expectations, and leadership that will streamline cooperation with players like themselves to overcome challenging content and be the forefront of progress. Many bounce between these styles of play depending on their interests and how much energy they're ready to put towards gaming on a day to day basis. We establish ways for these playstyles to coexist and complement each other so that all members of Axiom will benefit from the diverse resources, knowledge, and skills the community has to offer. This unity makes us self-sufficient, capable, and competitive.
Is Axiom a Hardcore or Casual gaming community?We are a mix of hardcore and casual players because we love to play a wide variety of multiplayer games, particularly MMOs. We understand the diversity of playstyles that come with the genre, and aim to maximize the amount of knowledge, resources, and value that each person brings to the table. Community leadership establishes ways for these playstyles to coexist and complement each other so that all members benefit from the resources, knowledge, and skills the community has to offer.
What are the different leadership roles in Axiom, and what do they do?Community Leader: Responsible for overall direction, moderation, and management of the community. Community Council: Responsible for directly assisting the Community Leader with moderation and management. They often serve as Project Leads, and will assemble members of Community Support or the broader community to accomplish tasks. Game Leadership: These individuals are appointed as the GM's and Officers of official chapters, and are responsible for leadership and management of the guild for that game.
How do you choose which games to play as a community?We are always monitoring various gaming news sources, streaming platforms, and stores to keep an eye on up-and-coming or popular multiplayer games to play. In our Discord we keep a "Popular Games" section which is a great place to find other players and gauge interest in a new game. We consistently have high interest in survival, co-op RPG, MOBA, and MMORPGs. Official Chapters are games that we have decided to fully invest leadership, organization, and resources to support. This usually happens for games where community interest is very high, the content provides longevity, and it requires the support of in-game leadership to sustain.
What is your stance on toxicity and griefing?Our community culture is based on respect, and we expect members to honor the spirit of competition and good sportsmanship. Griefing, toxic trash talk, and behavior that reflects poorly on the reputation of Axiom is not tolerated and will be grounds for removal if it is egregious or persistent. We game to wind down from the real world, and there is no reason to poison a fellow gamer's experience with such behavior. Anyone who takes satisfaction from such behavior has no place with us.
What is considered toxic/griefing behavior?Griefing is actions by a player with the sole purpose of ruining the experience of others. Griefers aim to disrupt gameplay, annoy, and frustrate other players. They don't care about winning the game itself. Their satisfaction comes from the negative impact they have on others. Examples: Team killing, blocking progress, exploit abuse, scamming, disruptive communication, etc. Toxic Behavior encompasses any behavior that is meant to be rude, disrespectful, or hurtful to other players. Examples: Verbal abuse using insults, slurs, or offensive language. Flaming by sending angry or hostile messages after a loss/mistake. Taunting or harassing a player after a defeat. Discrimination via derogatory remarks based on race, gender, orientation, and factors outside a person's control.
What is the difference between toxicity and banter?Banter can be considered playful teasing or lighthearted jabs exchanged between friends or people who understand each other's sense of humor. It is good-natured and those involved are enjoying themselves. If banter is overwhelming to you, then join a VC with members who are less engaged with it. Banter is important to comradery for some people and is acceptable so long as it does not venture into toxicity. PvP Banter is considered to be a mutual part of PvP encounters. The art of "talking shit" and "discord PvP" is part of that dynamic. Keep it about the game. Personal attacks or bringing IRL into it is toxic behavior. Toxicity is meant to be hurtful, offensive, or disrespectful. It often directly targets someone's weaknesses or insecurities. It creates a hostile environment for those involved because they can sense that mutual respect is not present. If it feels like bullying, it probably is.
What is your stance on Real Money Transactions (RMT) and exploiting?We do not support actions that go against the Terms of Service for any game we are playing together. This includes hacking, exploiting, duping, or RMT with other players and 3rd party sources. If you are openly participating in this behavior or are banned in-game for violating ToS, then it is grounds for removal from the community.
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